Mould - Saskia Recke-Smith
December 6th, 2024
mould (noun)
a hollow container with a particular shape into which soft or liquid substances are poured, so that when the substance becomes hard it takes the shape of the container. “the hand inserts itself leaving a mould for the nerves to fit”
synonyms: container, cast, shape, form, template
eleven million five hundred eighty thousand nine hundred fifty two and nine minutes. liquid laugh. eleven million and keep the change the liquid laugh already poured out. she’s floating into the cracks liminal hallways with hands that keep moving and she wants to say stop. to ask why but eleven million five hundred eighty thousand nine hundred and a hand claws at her neck wraps her long and spindly fibres around its palm deep into its fist. she watches her cords palpitate and she doesn’t know what to do but frozen in liquid cool eyes unshut pried open from crust.
the tap turns. soon i am you.